Monday, February 09, 2009

A Not So Manic Monday

Something tells me I'll never get tired of taking photos of hoar frost. It's just plain beautiful in a simple, stark way, especially against a gorgeous blue sky.

Check out how bright the hoar frost was as the sun began to beat down on it.
Sparkling snow on the spruce

Meanwhile, or later, really, down at Wasilla Lake the shadows are lengthening on the mountains across the way.

Sniffing the plaque marking the entrance to the lakeside park, some dogs came out with their owner to play. Somehow, I wasn't surprised when this was their next move.
Two of the five that were there running across the lake.

Looking out toward the mountains from Idita-Park. Clouds are beginning to set in as the sun sinks lower.
Taken at the corner where I turn off onto my street, a beautiful afternoon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photos. Alaska winter scenes are some of our favorites. Thanks.