Sunday, September 26, 2010

Musher History Conference, quick peek

Highlight of the day, Natalie Norris, with mic, showed up to be on the women in mushing panel which also included Kari Skogen, DeeDee Jonrowe, and Mary Shields, from left.
I need to get the full story from Donna, but apparantly some members of the WDMA agreed to decorate a husky cutout. This one was done by Suzie Dillon, who just happens to be my doctor, too, besides mushing dogs! It won the highest bid, eventually being won by Mary Shields. How cool is that?

Linda Chamberlain and Helen Hegener just before Linda's presentation on Mushing the Mail on the Iditarod Trail.

And, you just knew Pat would find a puppy to cuddle. Of course, she didn't have to look very hard as this little cutie, gads, love those eyes, belongs to Bonnie and Jim Foster, who were there, too.

During a break, I herded Thom Swan behind Rod Perry's table where Rod, center, was signing his new book for DeeDee.

Mary Shields, DeeDee Jonrowe, Erin McLaron, and Helen Hegener just before the women in mushing panel discussion.


Helen Hegener said...

Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos, June! Mine are still on my camera, alas...

Julie said...

Great photos, love the history,
seeing everyone together!