Friday, February 15, 2013

Catching up post

 You don't see this sorta thing, water frozen in motion, in Florida.
 Some random shots from the front yard
 Looking north from the road at the end of the driveway.

 This one's a few days old but liked the Snow Nose (Beak) Raven look.
 Home sweet home. If you click on the pix and see the white spots, that's snow falling while I was out clicking away on the camera.
 Backyard view
 From the NE corner of the deck, looking down toward Lone Cub Drive.
 Fence gate decorations, back out front

 Standing in the middle of the road again, looking sorta south up the slope toward Briar Drive and, if it was clear, the Chugach Mts. Just snow now and, no, they haven't plowed the road yet.
 This should explain why I'm not using the side gate right now.
 Oh, more faces on the trees....
 Boots in the snow. About 6-7" tho' all of it didn't fall today.
 Ginny's always a tough catch for pix but managed to get a "soft focus" (aka outta focus but workable) shot of Ms. Snow Nose today from the deck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are ALL wonderful photos. You are so talented!