Sunday, October 25, 2009

Snow on the mountains....again

The Talkeetnas are still pretty much snow-free, tho' a few patches that can be seen elsewhere.
On the other hand, the snow is slowing building back up elsewhere. My hunch is that the band of clouds hovering here is probably dropping quite a bit on the mountains' slopes where it is sitting.

But, in other directions, this one ENE, snow is sparce.

Looking across Wasilla Lake

The mountains across from the Best Western on Lake Lucille have snow and they're the ones perhaps getting snow right now, tho'. It always amazes me how distinctive the snow line can be on the mountains.

Zoom, zoom, and I'm looking at more distant mountains to the SE. More snow.

From the docks at Lake Lucille, looking easterly.

And another look across the lake, wondering if these are the clouds dropping snow on those who report seeing signs of snow.

1 comment:

Susan Stevenson said...

Still no snow here in the interior. Where is winter?! I'm not complaining, but I sure hope this lack of snow doesn't mean our June will be snow-covered!