Thursday, March 11, 2010

Moose in the Front Yard

Kathy was still visiting and we were just about to head out the door to meet up with Pat Schue and her sister Joan when, "Moose alert!" I had turned around to turn off the computer and spied this youngster out the front window.

Betty, that is NOT your spruce tree Jr. is eating. It's the birch closer to the end of the driveway. Ha

Ah, here's mama. She seemed pretty oblivious to Jr., gotta admit.

We were on moose alert, but so were the moose. She's watching a neighborhood dog here and in the next picture.

Fortunately the dog seemed clueless that there was a moose within a hundred miles and just kept trotting down the road, but she was watching it.

She hadn't forgotten that Kathy and I were out there, either. She was checking us out for danger levels. Fortunately, we obviously ranked low as they were still there munching on my birch trees when we pulled out to go to dinner.

" Speaking of dinner," says Mama....

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