Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sunshine and Blue Skies...and a cat...and tire

Did anyone in Wasilla lose a tire? I found it.

Ah, yes, just another day in Alaska....

I wasn't the only one enjoying the sunshine.

And, no, this isn't my cat.

The mountains beckon me toward Hatcher Pass.

Alas, no time to venture all the way up into the mountains, but did make a quick stop at the viewing platform for the Little Su(sitna) River. Warm, nearly 70 degrees(!!!) but still lots of snow and ice on the river.

Closer view of the snow/ice still atop the water.

Oh, so tempting....

Weren't the skies awesome?

One last snap....

Back home, my snow pile from the driveway is slowly but surely going the way of the rest of the snow. Can't say that I'll miss it.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I couldnt believe how warm it is today! Right now at my place its still 63.5. Gorgeous day in the Mat-Su!